Monday 13 October 2008

Dusting it off ....

Over the last few weeks, I've pretty much been head down writing the governance review papers for the ArcheryGB/GNAS Board next weekend. There has been a huge amount of work involved, and the support from colleagues and from our external advisors, Standard Life Investments, has been outstanding. The Board does scrutinise papers pretty thoroughly, so I hope I have done a good job - might be a different story next weekend :-).

Muriel and I had a weeks holiday in France at the end of September (so I missed posting then as the Internet was nowhere to be found). The weather varied from glorious sunshine to hail showers but there was enough to see and to do, visiting Azincourt and the Somme for instance. We were driving through a small village to the south of St Omer and saw a sign for archery - following it led to a clubhouse (for beer/wine/coffee/chat no doubt), a huge field and two popinjay masts. The downside to going at that time of year is it is the start of the hunting season, so lots of men and dogs everywhere shooting birds and rabbits.

We were up seeing Simon and Lana this weekend and I dusted the bow off and took it up. I managed to shot some arrows and played with the back tension release that John M had given me - oops, sold to me :-) - resulting in one bust arrows and a different feel to the shooting.

If John is reading this, I'm just off to write the cheque now ...

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