Sunday 3 February 2008

Rotten Weather, Good News

It won't have escaped many people that many parts of the UK have been subjected to storms and snow - I guess I say this in the hope that this blog is being ready from sunny climes - which brings me to sunny Australia where I hear young Andy is shooting his socks off (read for the details).

I'm not long back from the SAA's EGM caused by the lack of a quorum at the AGM, which seems a common problem these days. It was held in the lunch interval of the Scottish Indoor Champs, and the focus on getting matters concluded to be able to start the afternoon session meant that we rattled through a good 9 (?) votes in just over 30 minutes. Shows you what can be done when you put your mind to it.

Tina got elected as President and I'm sure that all of Scotland will be with her as she starts her first three year term.

I got the results back from sportsscotland on what their Active Schools database said about participation. It looks as if 300 primary and 250 secondary pupils get an archery session over twenty schools across the country. Here is a map ...

The red dots are the schools and the blue ones are the clubs. There are certainly some anomolies (as round Inverness) where there are schools without any local clubs. I guess we may have to write to the schools to get to the bottom of what is going on.

The helpful suggestion on involving Leaders by Michael Mather has certainly hit some spots, and I had a conference call with Ollie (Coaching Manager, GNAS) about it this week and he is certainly keen. With a following wind, we will see that kick off later this month after a few more folks have had the opportunity to input.

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