Sunday 16 December 2007

Ah, Yoda

Michael Mather kindly sent through the extract from the SAA's Development Plan concerning how to use Leaders to increase numbers. As usual with Michael, it has a deal of thinking and detail behind it. GNAS are also interested in this area, but are a little more cautious. Needless to say, everyone has a number of completely contradictory opinions (it wouldn't be archery otherwise) and I hope to work with GNAS to survey Leaders in Scotland to establish a independent basis to proceed on.

Xmas is drawing near and I was at a fun shoot on Friday night that was very enjoyable and good humoured (the juniors certainly liked their selection boxes). Ian Wilson took in in good part when he was ribbed about missing the balloons twice and I certainly shot better this week. I got two red stars at the top of the tree to Muriel's none and so all I need to do now is to get FITA to make an official Spruce Tree Round.

The Scotsman reported that sportscotland looked to be safe from the SNP axe, though their remit will be changed and re-focused. We will have to wait until the New Year for the details, I suspect.

There are a number of schools who will transition into GNAS School Membership due to the demise of the AAS scheme. The SAA and Areas need to set corresponding fees and Ray Mason is on the case with the solution to charge Junior Club fees.

I hope that all Scottish Archers felt some pride this month in the December announcements in the News section of the web site - Hannah becoming Junior Lady Indoor Champion and Andy Ward shooting 1380 in Australia.

I've had less time for Archery this week than of late. I was down seeing my three week old grandson in York. As I held him in my arms, he made a face like Yoda and noisily filled his nappy, thus displaying he had the family genes.

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