Monday, 18 February 2008

DVDs and shooting

I was at Lilleshall twice this week.

Early in the week, I was down for meetings and, during one of the breaks, went down to the Sutherland Hall (for those who don't know, this is where you can shoot 90m indoors all year round, and is used for squad training). There was a tremendous amount of activity where the Performance Unit were in the throws of making an Archery DVD which will go on sale later this year. High speed camera, professional film crews and sound men were all scurrying around.

Another sign of how far the Society has moved on.

The second trip was for the British Champs, packed out as usual. Her indoors was competing but had to pull out of the Scottish Team due to a bout of "woman flu" (well, if there is man flu, stands to reason there has to be a female variety) earlier on in the month. She seemed happy enough to be the most progressed native Scot in the compounds (oh dear, I hope I have got that right).

I get real bored by indoors, but may have to re-consider my position on this. Two of my Director colleagues were shooting (Jan and Ian) and, as well as me, another two Directors were at the Champs (David and Jean) - maybe others. Long gone the days when the Board was invisible.

It is reliably rumoured that CEO David was so terrified by the Welsh that he put his hand in his pocket, brought out £10 and bought two raffle tickets for the World Fields in Wales later this year. This will be shot at a smashing venue in the Museum of Welsh Life in Wales - well worth a visit if you are thinking of taking a holiday in the first week in September.

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