In the town we were staying in Holland, we came across the local crossbow guild (I'll have some words on that next weekend if I get the pictures out of the other camera). The guild is, of course, intimately tied up with giving men a reason to get together, blether and drink beer/coffee.
During the visit, we heard about the annual procession to commemorate a miracle from the middle ages and I came across this by chance. In the picture below, you can see the guild master and all of the silver on his cape.

The procession had different members of the guild there. In the picture below, you can see the colour of the silks of the flag bearers in contrast to the more sober black of the guild members.

Another bit of happenchance was on a visit to Ommen where I found the tin figure museum. Tin figures are two dimensional and rather easier to make than the ones we are used to. There was a diorama of Waterloo with more than 10,000 figures and well as some rather risque Greek and Roman ones.
However, I did come across this collection of the Royal Company, another reminder of the use of colour not being particularly modern.