Sunday 9 March 2008

Policy and a new Chairperson

Most people will be unaware that the SAA is a member of the Scottish Sports Association (SSA), which represents the interests of Governing Bodies of sport. I was invited to become a Director on the SSA Board (with the backing of the SAA) early in 2007.

The SSA was directly involved in the consultation about the future of sportscotland which was reviewed at the end of last year. If you remember, the incoming SNP administration had said in its manifesto that it would look to abolish sportscotland, but the SSA, amongst others, said that they provided a valuable service in response to the review process. In the end, sportscotland survived, being merged with the Scottish Institute for Sport and having a more regional structure.

There are a number of reviews and policy matters they are currently involved in. The UK Government is looking to tighten up the immigration system and this may have some unwanted side effects on athletes coming to the UK from outside the European Community. The SAA is responding as are a number of UK wide bodies.

The legacy of the Commonwealth Games in 2014 is being consulted on by the Scottish Government and the SSA will be holding a consultation meeting towards the end of March. The last of the three pieces is a move to influence policy on sport participation in schools where the SSA, as part of the Scottish Sports Alliance are putting forward proposals to the Scottish Government.

Hefty pieces of work!

Today saw Tina chairing her first National Council where she steered through her first budget (always a nerve racking task). The meeting got through the business in a business like and timely fashion, finishing a shade before 3pm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting stuff Bob. I just hope the new Sport Scotland or whatever it is going to be called will be a bit more precise about how much money is going to each local authority area and a justification for these decisions :)